Has your inkjet printer been impacted due to firmware? Please fill in the information required below and our customer support staff will respond to your inquiry in the order it was received.
We strive for customer satisfaction & we have provided this program to justify consumers impacted by the firmware updates. While we suggest at the time of purchase and in the inkjet manual to turn off printer firmware or to never accept the firmware when prompted, consumers may evidently not receive the message & may be impacted by the update. Unfortunately, printer manufacturers implement firmware updates on printers just like yours in order to capture market share on consumer inkjets. In return, consumers of these printers impacted by firmware updates are paying the hefty cost of their malicious acts.
All forms submitted will be answered within 48 business hours.
Orders made within 15 days or less which are deemed depleted are eligible to receive free updates to go along with the latest version. There is a processing fee of $29.95 fee for orders over 15 days from the delivery date. At this time, orders above 1 year are not included in our program.
Please fill in the information below to get started.